Talk about a Brave New World !!!

In this very moment the world of healing medicine has exploded, bringing to the forefront a whole new panoply of types of illnesses and conditions that can be treated, even cured, with STEM CELLS…

This is a REVOLUTION in medicine which will change the way that so many diseases are currently being treated, with way better outcomes.

Current research is ongoing at MANY large university centers and as well, at independently funded research centers.

Here’s the great news: the stem cells are taken from your own bone marrow, from the fat of the body, or can be created in a lab from any one of the living cells in your body, yes, from ANY LIVING CELL in your body.


This revolution began with the Nobel Prize granted to two researchers in 2007.  Since then, scientists/researchers/physicians are working night and day in this exciting field of research.

One of the Nobels, Shinye Yamanaka, was a professor in Kyoto at the university there, but has since been recruited by the Gladstone Institute in San Francisco, an affiliate of UCSF, where his research is ongoing.  He was a professor of Orthopedic Surgery exploring this intervention for his spinal cord injury patients. He is having success.

Others are exploring and treating:

  • Joint injuries
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke victims
  • Cardiac issues including restoring the heart muscle where it has been damaged by heart attack
  • Parkinson’s disease

Many community physicians are now treating with stem cells.

I soon will be amongst them.


I will be working in collaboration with Richard Derby, M.D. at the Spinal Diagnostics Treatment Center in Daly City soon with marrow derived or laboratory created stem cells.  He will be treating spine patients using fluoroscopy (an x-ray guided technique similar to that used for epidural injections and other spinal blocks) as well as peripheral joints, such as knees and shoulders. Dr. Derby’s reputation as a spinal injectionist is nothing short of being legendary.  He recently was given an international award for his work in this subspecialty in anesthesiology.

This work is so new that many doctors know little or nothing about it. Early this year I attended a medical conference in Phoenix about the use of stem cells in the treatment of pain.  Subsequently I have been rather engrossed in this topic and have done myriad hours of research and training. The injections are done the same way that other (cortisone) injections are done.  But when you inject stem cells it actually heals the tissue.  Cortisone disinflames temporarily but ultimately damages the tissue if done too often.

I could go on and on, but this venue is designed as an intro to the topic.  Please call my office if you are interested in a consultation.  Thank you for your time and interest.  Looking forward…….ACTUAL HEALING of damaged tissues!

Frances Dee Filgas, M.D., DAAPM